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52 Reviews
Senayan200rb - 300rb
Hours 10:00 - 22:00Closed

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Happy Ferdian
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7 Cafe di Plaza Senayan yang Paling Nyaman Buat Meeting
Banyak penelitian ilmiah telah membuktikan bahwa teh mampu menurunkan level cortisol (hormon stres) di dalam tubuh. Selain itu, teh juga kaya akan kandungan asam amino thenine yang dipercaya dapat menenangkan otak. Nah, di restoran bergaya British ini, tersedia beragam jenis teh terbaik dari berbagai penjuru dunia yang bisa kamu nikmati bersama dengan aneka makanan dan kudapan lezat. Terdapat lebih dari 100 jenis teh ditawarkan oleh restoran ini dengan kisaran harga Rp 40 ribu hingga Rp 75 ribu per penyajian.
Karina Marpaung
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6 Camilan di Plaza Senayan Buat Penggila Cokelat
Tak banyak yang tahu, selain andal dalam menghidangkan teh, TWG Tea juga andal dalam menyajikan hidangan cokelat. Hal itu tercermin dari kenikmatan hidangan The Gentleman yang melibatkan chocolate almond sponge cake berbalut chocolate ganache.
Karina Marpaung
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7 Sajian Black Angus yang Wajib Kamu Cicipi di Jakarta
Jika sedang berkunjung ke TWG Tea Salon & Boutique, jangan melulu hanya memesan secangkir teh, namun kamu pun harus mencoba santapan bernama Fillet De Bouf. Hidangan tersebut berupa daging Black Angus yang disajikan bersama kentang, jamur, sayuran dan saus spesial. Tenang saja, harga sebesar Rp 220.000,00 yang telah kamu "investasikan" pasti sebanding dengan rasa nikmat yang akan kamu terima.
Febri Pradana
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8 Tempat Menikmati Teh Paling Menenangkan di Jakarta
Kalo mau cari tempat minum teh yang paling lengkap varian rasanya, ya di TWG Tea ini. Sajian teh dari berbagai negara dengan kemasan yang bisa dipilih, tersedia di sini. Contohnya aja Sakura Tea yang berasal dari Jepang dan punya aroma teh yang cukup nikmat di tenggorokan.
Claudya Indriyani Elizabeth
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This is my first time came to this restaurant. The decoration is quite fancy and they are quite good in plating but too many furniture make place looks narrow. Me and my friend didn't want to try their "Tea Time Set Menu", so we decided to try their "All Day Dining". We ordered Chicken Majesté and Salmon A La Plancha. The salmon was delicious! I honestly didn't like to eat salmon if it's not served as sushi. But this one taste so great! They cooked that salmon in two different ways. And the risotto so creamy! I really like it! The chicken taste average. Nothing special for us. At the end of our meal, we found out that the chicken was not well cooked! There is some part of the chicken seems raw. We complained about the raw part, and they said that was fat of the chicken. But they gave us a compliment which is a watermelon cake. Isn't that seems suspicious? I mean like, why they would gave us a compliment if the chicken was ok? But, we took the compliment with pleasure. For drink, we ordered Irish Breakfast Tea and Tibetan Secret Tea. Tea was nice. I think the price is worth it compared with the ambience and taste of foods and drinks we got. For service was good. They served us nice and friendly. Maybe i'll come here again next time.

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