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Seasonal Tastes

9 Reviews
Kuningan200rb - 300rb
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Happy Ferdian
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6 Restoran Hotel yang Punya Menu Brunch Paling Lezat di Jakarta
Bertengger di lantai 51 Gama Tower, tepatnya di dalam lingkungan hotel The Westin Jakarta, restoran ini hadir dengan suasana yang semarak dan mengundang. Jendela dinding ke dinding, dari lantai ke langit-langit, memberikan akses pemandangan kota yang dramatis. Sementara dapur terbuka menjadi panggung untuk pengalaman bersantap yang dinamis. Tim juru masak setempat menyajikan hidangan prasmanan yang menggoda sepanjang hari. Pilihan pasar segar disiapkan untuk dipesan di tujuh stasiun memasak yang berbeda, di mana masing-masing mendapat pengaruh dari kuliner Barat, India, dan Asia.
Happy Ferdian
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Fine Dining Guide: 7 Restoran yang Hadirkan View Cantik Jakarta
Berlokasi di dalam hotel tertinggi di ibu kota, The Westin Jakarta, restoran ini menawarkan pemandangan lanskap kosmopolitan dari ketinggian. Duduk di sini, kamu akan merasa seperti tengah bersantap di udara, tenang dan nyaman, jauh dari hiruk pikuk. Meski berkonsep buffet, namun tersedia pula deretan menu ala carte yang tidak kalah lezat, seperti misalnya Australian Double Lamb Chop 280 gram (Rp 320.000). Ini adalah menu iga domba berukuran raksasa yang dipanggang dengan bumbu barbecue, sehingga cita rasanya perpaduan manis dan gurih. Unik!
Happy Ferdian
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6 Lamb Chop Paling Lezat di Jakarta
Berlokasi di dalam hotel tertinggi di ibu kota, The Westin Jakarta, restoran ini menawarkan pemandangan lanskap kosmopolitan dari ketinggian. Duduk di sini, kamu akan merasa seperti tengah bersantap di udara, tenang dan nyaman, jauh dari hiruk pikuk. Meski berkonsep buffet, namun tersedia pula deretan menu ala carte yang tidak kalah lezat, terasuk Australian Double Lamb Chop 280 gram (Rp 320.000). Ini adalah menu iga domba berukuran raksasa yang dipanggang dengan bumbu barbecue, sehingga cita rasanya perpaduan manis dan gurih. Unik!
Sharima Umaya
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Hot This Week: 5 Acara Seru untuk Isi Weekend Ini
Siapa yang tak mengenal Chef Ragil? Sepak terjangnya di dunia kuliner, tentunya tak diragukan lagi. Di event "Jelajah Indonesia", Chef Ragil berduet dengan Chef Denny untuk menyajikan berbagai macam hidangan Indonesia yang spektakuler! “Jelajah Indonesia” akan diadakan pada tanggal 20-29 Juli 2018 di Seasonal Tastes dengan weekday lunch di harga 388k++, weekday dinner di harga 408++, dan weekend lunch serta dinner di harga 438++. Harga tersebut semuanya sudah termasuk soft drinks, beer, dan flavored ice teas. Beberapa hidangan yang menjadi highlight diantaranya: Udang Kuah Kuning, Beef Carving Bumbu Rembige, Ayam Tangkap Aceh, Gelato Tempe Orek, dan Bubur Sumsum Brulee Untuk informasi dan reservasi, jangan ragu untuk menelpon ke +62 21 2788 7768 atau e-mail ke
Sharima Umaya
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10 Hotel dengan Promo Romantis untuk Rayakan Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day merupakan saat yang tepat untuk memanjakan pasangan dengan merayakan Valentine's Day di Seasonal Tastes. Pemandangan yang fantastis dari ketinggian lantai 51 dengan pilihan makanan yang beragam, dijamin akan membuat pasangan kamu senang! Dengan membayar 438K++ per orang, kamu bisa mencicipi berbagai macam makanan pilihan Chef Denny Gunawan. Harga sudah termasuk mineral water, flavoured ice teas, soft drinks, beer, tea, dan coffee. Di Valentine's Day kali ini, 3 restoran di JW Marriott Hotel turut meramaikan Valentine's Day dengan promo spesial nih. Salah satu yang bisa kamu coba yakni di Sailendra. Romantic Dinner Buffet dengan harga 475K++ per orang bisa menjadi pilihan kamu dan pasangan. Harga sudah termasuk segelas sparkling wine loh!
Dewi Ambarsari
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bikin siangmu Indah! ^_^
Sharima Umaya
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Ultimate Guide: 15 Lunch Menu Terbaik di Ibukota
This place won't disappoint you! Terletak di Westin Hotel, Kuningan; lunch buffet dari Westin dengan pilihan makanan yang beragam dari Asian, Western hingga Indonesian food dijamin membuatmu bergumam akan lezatnya makanan yang tersedia. Kamu bisa puas mengeksplorasi jenis-jenis makanan yang ada di Seasonal Tastes dengan harga 388K++
Olivia Tanzil
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We were here to celebrating my sister and my brother in law birthday. I made a reservation one day before and i asked if they could gave me a nice seat. Let me explain to you why this place is beyond my expectation. The first, we arrived here, we were looking for a parking lot and the parking staff came to us and direct us to the parking lot that near the elevator (which it help so much since this is the first time we came here) And then we were going up to Seasonal Taste Restaurant. The hostess came and greet us then she direct us to our table. We sat at the table, and i LOVE the view from my seat. The place are so beautiful, so glamorous, so clean, and they pay attention to cleanliness to every part of the restaurant. Every food stalls are clean, the view are amazing, the cutleries, the napkins, and the other part of the restaurant are clean and well polished. I feel so comfort in here. Then i started to try each food from every stall. There are so many choices here, such as japanese, chinese, korean, thai, indonesian, western, indian, dessert, pastry, bread, fresh salad, and so on! And ALL of them are so so so DELICIOUS. I barely can't recognize myself because i ate so many LOL. There is a chef name Ms. Elizabeth. She is very kind, very nice. She greet me as i came to her stall, and explained all the the food very well so i can make my choice. And i really thanked her for that. The next i wanna tell you is about the SERVICE. So, while we are having dinner there are one server/waiter named Mr. Brando. I wish can tell him how thankful i am with his service. Since the first time i came, i asked for a warm water since i can't drink chill/cold water. Since then, Mr. Brando always filled my glass with a warm water whenever my glass started to empty. During our dinner time, he always clean our empty plates whenever he pass through our table so our table always clean and tidy. According to my experience with buffet service at other Restaurants, sometimes i have to asked for the server to clean my empty plates. But here i am today, at Seasonal Taste at Westin Hotel, for the first time i never asked the server to clean my empty plates. And for me, that was amazing. I know it might be part of the Standard Of Procedure, but he still amaze me. After dinner, i asked Mr. Brando some lemon wedges. But since he noticed that I've already drank lot of warm water, so he suggested me a cup of hot tea with lemon infused which i accepted gratefully. After we paid our bill, suddenly Mr. Brando, Ms. Elizabeth and one of the host lady came to my table and sang a birthday songs along with a piece of cake. We were very surprised! My sister and my brother in law were very happy and suprised. I didn't expect that they would gave us a cake and more importantly they sang us a song. We felt very welcome, very comfort in here. And when we leave the venue, Mr. Brando offered us to take a picture for a memory dining at Seasonal Taste. Mr. Brando, Ms. Elizabeth, and all the staff in here serve us very well, so beyond my expectation. I'm surely will come back here and i have to come back here. This restaurant becoming my favorite restaurant in Jakarta. Thank you Seasonal Taste! It was a joy to had an experience with you. And thank you for making my sister and brother-in-law birthday party unforgettable!
Puspita Yuniastuti
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Rayakan Imlek Dengan Promo Lunch di Sini, Yuk!
Tepat di Tahun Baru Imlek, tepatnya di tanggal 28 Januari 2017, paket makan siang spesial Imlek di sini bisa dinikmati mulai jam 12 siang sampai jam 3 sore. Harga per paket untuk satu orang adalah Rp 788.000 nett sudah termasuk bir, iced tea, jus, soft drinks, kopi, dan teh. Yuk, langsung reservasi di +6221 2788 7788 atau email di

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